Monday, 23 January 2012


Finished striping my welding mask today.
Put some lines on my MP3 player as well.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Luke's '65 Falcon

With my Buick, I should get it fixed up to.
New badge and locks.

Trevor G's '53 Chevy

 We got the body up nice and high and slid the frame under.

The body coming down.
A little lower.
Back on the frame and looking good!

Headlights for Doug's Stude

The idea for these lights was to run '47 Stdebaker headlight rings on a '30s style headlight.
These are the parts I started with.
I cut the part that the headlight ring mates to off of the original Studebaker headlight flare. The green headlight bucket is from an old ambulance, I cut the front off of it.
Here are the two pieces clamped together.
I didn't take any more pictures until this stage, here they are all frankensteined together.
Here is the finished product, after a lot of grinding, some sandblasting, primer, filler and high build!